MANA Winegrowers.

What they do.

MANA Winegrowers is a collective of organic farmers, who live, work and play in Marlborough, NZ. United by a commitment to hand-crafting stunning wines, sharing knowledge and safeguarding the land of one of the most beautiful places on earth.

What we did.

This collective wanted to update their existing design assets along with how their organisation was communicated, specifically to the trade audience.

After studying the group and undestanding their objectives, we set about crafting a new identity that told the story of the people behind each winery and why they had found common ground.

It was imperative to create a brand identity for MANA Winegrowers that did not compete with any of the wineries involved but told a complementary and equally compelling story.

We managed the client relationship while overseeing the creative direction of the brand renovation, design and execution.

We built the newly adorned website including copywriting and directing our photographer to meet the outlined brief.

Once the renovation was complete, we assisted with sales & marketing strategy, event activation and social media management (including content creation, execution and engagement communication). We also instigated and executed trade tastings.

FINALIST | Design Institute of New Zealand — BEST Awards 2019

Creatives: Amane Cardenas, Bonny Beattie, Courteney Peters and Morven McAuley






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